How To Harness Social Media To Attract New Diners | St. Louis Bar & Grill


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      How To Harness Social Media To Attract New Diners

      Social media is everywhere, and the business world relies on it to scale operations, promote and market the brand, and of course, attract new customers. Restaurant franchise locations are no different, and while the head franchise office already has company-wide social media accounts doing a large bulk of the advertising marketing, the simple truth is that you as a franchisee need to adopt the same approach, albeit on a much smaller and more focused scale.

      Leveraging social media to your benefit isn’t difficult, but it does require an understanding of the “why,” as well as the “how.” St. Louis Bar & Grill utilizes social media in a traditional and positive manner so that we can directly communicate with our customers, and create a relationship with them. Our franchisees understand the importance as well, which is why many of them are determined to attract new diners via the power of social media’s reach and influence. Here’s how your franchise location can follow suit.



      The first step to attracting new diners via social media platforms is to create and maintain a strong and influential online presence. That means utilizing active profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, all of which are highly influential when it comes to promoting businesses and their brands. A mixture of high-quality images, the right messaging at the right times, and consistent branding standards will ensure your franchise location’s identity shines through.

      Always remember to remain consistent with franchisor guidelines, some of which are stipulated in your agreement. While the overall branding and tone are set, you’re free to inject your individual location’s sense of personality and team spirit in order to build a rapport with new and existing diners. Make sure to regularly update your social media accounts with relevant content such as menu updates, promotions, and involvement in local community events, which can raise your restaurant’s profile in a big way.



      St. Louis Bar & Grill franchisees have it easy when it comes to advertising menu items over social media. Our food and drinks are legendary, and we aren’t afraid to hype them up in order to attract new diners. One of the most effective ways to entice newcomers into your restaurant is by showcasing your food through captivating visuals, so make sure to spare no expense. Take the time to produce high-resolution images and videos of your most delicious menu items, highlighting their presentation, quality, and uniqueness.

      If necessary, consider hiring a professional food photographer, or investing in smartphone photography tips to make your food and drink look as appetizing as you can. And finally, don’t forget to schedule menu-related posts at key times during the week, whether it’s lunchtime, Friday after 5PM, holidays, or the next big game!



      Social media technology includes a few special methods that can be used to drastically raise your profile and attract new audiences. For instance, simple #-style hashtags and geo-tagging can help your franchise location gain visibility with users in your vicinity who may be looking for a new place to dine.

      The key to tagging is to do your homework, so be sure to research popular hashtags related to your restaurant, and include them in your posts. Additionally, you can  encourage customers to tag your franchise location when they dine in, which will further expand your reach. 



      User-generated content (UGC) is a goldmine for restaurant franchises, since it involves no outside work on your part, aside from great service, a fun atmosphere, and delicious food. Therefore, take a quick moment to encourage your diners to post photos and reviews of their dining experience on social media, and share it on your social media accounts while giving credit to the original posters.

      The key here is authenticity, and nothing says it more than happy diners who had a great time, and decided to pay the compliments forward on social media. Diners keep close tabs on customer feedback, especially when it comes to the restaurant business, so the more people willing to take a moment to plug your franchise location, the more authentic you will look.



      Much of social media marketing involves creating a human connection with your diners, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t skimp on some good old fashioned hustling! Running contests, promotions and giveaways on social media is a fantastic way to generate excitement, while attracting new diners in the process. For instance, you can ask diners to share their favorite menu item for a chance to win a gift card, or a complimentary meal.

      This not only increases engagement, but also shows off your restaurant to a wider audience as participants share their entries with their followers. Beyond that, make sure to advertise new menu items, lunch specials, and family or workplace deals to attract more than just one type of diner. Opportunities are everywhere, so make sure you’re appealing to as many eyeballs as possible!



      Social media is a two-way street, and that can be both a blessing and a curse. To maintain the right balance, you’ll want to show that you’re actually a bunch of human beings who really enjoy what they do, which can be difficult if you’re not engaging on a friendly and down-to-earth level. Restaurant franchises are all about leisure, relaxation and fun, so make sure you’re mimicking those qualities while still maintaining a professional decorum. You can engage your diners by responding to comments, messages and criticisms in a prompt and courteous manner. Not every diner will be happy with their experience, but your reaction will speak volumes about your franchise location, and how you handle negative feedback. Keeping things cordial, polite and thankful without sounding dismissive will help you navigate these waters, and make a fantastic impression on those checking you out on social media.



      Social media marketing isn’t nearly as scary as it sounds, and you can start today by sticking to the above tips. Always remember that social media stresses the “social” aspect first, so put it at the forefront if you wish to attract new business. Diners are looking for a great experience, and a place they will want to return to, time and time again. That kind of repeat business means you’ll have to be friendly and upbeat, while remaining confident in your menu items, your service, and the atmosphere you’ve created. The rest will fall into place!

      St. Louis Bar & Grill has utilized social media to great effect, and it’s helped us open up locations all across Canada. We’re always breaking ground in new markets, and we’re not slowing down! If you’re interested in joining the St. Louis franchisee family, we want to hear from you! Let’s harness the power of social media together so that we can attract new diners, make them happy, and expand our reach together!
