The Positive Benefits Of Using Delivery Partners For Your Franchise | St. Louis Bar & Grill


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      The Positive Benefits Of Using Delivery Partners For Your Franchise

      Covid-19 is sticking around a little bit longer, but the end is finally in sight thanks to the announcement of not one, but three separate (and counting) vaccines which will be rolling out momentarily. It will take a few months before availability trickles down to everyone, with primary concern being towards the elderly and frontline workers.

      Nevertheless, this is great news for restaurant franchises who have taken a hit over the last year. Many have opted to partner up with third party delivery partners for a mutually beneficial delivery service to appease hungry patrons. It’s highly probable that this partnership will continue in a post-Covid world, simply due to how routine it has become. Here’s some of the positive benefits of using delivery partners for your franchise.



      Drive through windows and delivery methods were always around, but 2020 marks the first year that these services have surpassed indoor dining. The reasons are obvious, but notable. Now that customers have become accustomed to ordering using a third party service, they’re not likely to stop. Many will still be reluctant to spend too much time outdoors, at least until the dread subsides. Others will simply have grown to enjoy staying in and ordering dinner, as opposed to going out. Whatever the case, both models of service will survive, but patrons will definitely keep using delivery options in a way they never did before.



      Some franchises have partnered up with third parties, but others have decided to go all-in and create their own delivery system. This is a bold move that demands some research before execution. It may simply be easier and more cost-effective to go with a third party solution. However, delivery fees can help offset the initial burdens of an in-house system, provided they are not striking patrons too hard in the pocketbook. A little balance can go a long way here.



      Patrons who dine in tend to do so at restaurants close to them. They are unlikely to go out of their way for one particular restaurant unless there is a special occasion at hand. Franchises must keep this in mind even more so. Customers will always head to their nearest location, which means delivery methods are an opportunity to expand your reach. Consider widening your delivery net in order to serve customers who may be outside of your typical demographic zone. More customers means less of a hit from the effects of the pandemic.



      Delivery methods don’t just satisfy your customers. They also build relationships with them by keeping your franchise in their mind. If your service is impeccable and your food is top notch, this sends the right message indicating that you’re in it to win. Use that opportunity to drive new business by announcing sales, new menu items, or simply asking for good old fashioned grassroots feedback. Covid has isolated the population in a way we’ve never seen before, and that’s why it’s important to deliver the human touch to your customers.



      It’s hard to argue the benefits of using delivery partners in this current social climate. Any sale helps franchises remain afloat, while customers get to enjoy their favorite food without having to go cold turkey. It’s a win/win for both sides. Adapting a good delivery model may take some time, but you’ll quickly get the hang of it. Once your operation is running smoothly, the stresses will fade away as the numbers grow.

      For more information on franchising with St. Louis Wings, please contact us today. 2021 predicts a fantastic year for franchise owners, so make sure to prepare.
