Tips To Market Your Franchise During The Restart Phase | St. Louis Bar & Grill


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      Tips To Market Your Franchise During The Restart Phase

      Many restaurants have already taken their first steps to re-opening following the announcement of the economic restart, and although we aren’t back up to 100% service just yet, those days should be coming soon. In the meantime, restaurant franchises and their patrons are proactively taking precautions to limit the spread of the pandemic while still offering great food and great service. As things get better, many franchise owners will need to start shouting announcements from the rooftops regarding new developments, lessening of government restrictions, and of course, new menu items! The following are some tips you can implement to help you market your franchise location during the restart phase.


      #1) Utilize The Patio

      If your franchise has outdoor patio space, make sure to utilize it to the best of your ability. This includes adequately setting up outside tables to coincide with social distancing guidelines. Make sure your staff is trained when it comes to serving food with a mask on (especially since it can be a little awkward for many patrons), and take full advantage of the summer/fall season and the great weather it can bring. Having an outdoor setup is a marketing tool all by itself, as those passing by will see that you’re open for business, and ready to serve. Word of mouth will spread, especially if your patrons are having a great time. Always remember that folks are quite fed up with being cooped up indoors for months. Make the most of it!


      #2) Make Takeout A Primary Focus

      Until restrictions are lifted which allow for large gatherings of patrons inside a restaurant, many franchises will be operating at anywhere from 30% to 50% capacity. This isn’t good enough, but it can be offset dramatically by implementing technology to set up a reliable takeout system. Customers who missed dining out at their favorite franchises have spent the last few months taking advantage of delivery methods including UberEats and SkipTheDishes. This has helped stave off waves of losses as the pandemic reached its peak. Now that things are opening back up again, many franchises might begin focusing on in-house dining. That would be a mistake. Many are still afraid to go out, which means having that takeout service enabled at all times is paramount. Also, don’t forget to offer a local pickup option as well, where customers can grab their orders from your franchise’s front door.


      #3) Trim Your Menu

      This one goes without saying, but sometimes it’s necessary to trim down your available menu to deal with the reduced influx of customers. Not only does simplify things in the kitchen, but it also cuts down on unnecessary monetary waste on food and prep items that won’t sell so much. By consolidating the menu down to a few fantastic items, you’re concentrating your franchise’s full efforts on delivering the best service. In many ways, this is more important than the food itself. Visiting diners are looking for reassurance as well as a great night out. The less you have to focus on prep work, the more you can focus on the customer, and putting a smile on their face.


      #4) Utilize SEO And Social Media

      Search engine optimization and social media are vital cogs in the post-Covid marketing process, especially since customers have been dwelling on the pandemic for months at this point. The right franchises haven’t stopped reaching out to their customers to let them know that they’re in business, even if it is in reduced capacity. Now that things are opening back up again, it’s a great time to use the power of SEO to coax people out of their homes and to your tables. Similarly, social media can be used in conjunction with SEO to drive announcements on everything from sales, to new menu items and even key events taking place at your franchise’s location. Since the pandemic hit its peak, customers have been retreating further and further into the online space to keep in contact with friends and loved ones. Don’t think they haven’t been checking out their favorite restaurants at the same time!


      #5) Grassroots Positivity

      Now more than ever, people are looking for solidarity with their fellow humans. Franchises are blessed with a unique opportunity to spread cheer and happiness among their patrons during each visit. Your customers are visiting your franchise not just for a bite to eat, but for the enthusiasm and fun of your location. Never underestimate the power of this opportunity, or it could pass you by! Make sure to go the extra mile to inject a more personal touch by training your staff not just to be friendly, but engaging as well. Don’t be afraid to draw personal messages on takeout boxes, receipts and other materials to show that you appreciate them coming out to dine at your establishment. Every act of kindness is far more contagious than the current pandemic could ever hope to be, and that’s the best kind of infection a franchise could ask for.


      These tips may seem simple and straightforward, but many franchises have thought they only applied to when the pandemic was at its worst. They’re still valuable now, so don’t stop using them until things are back up to full speed. It won’t be long, but in the meantime, these tips can help you retain more of your franchise’s earnings while gaining you some new regulars in the process! For more information on how you can franchise with us, contact us today! It’s never been a better time.
